Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Which Type Of Pheromone Is Right For You?

Pheromones act as a form of chemical communication among human beings. These chemicals are popular for their ability to attract members of the opposite sex.

These are the four common types of human pheromones:

Androstenone, or A-None is found in both men and women. However, it is usually recognized as a male pheromone because it creates a dominant and aggressive aura and projects an aggressive alpha impression. This pheromone can also cause people to act more polite to the wearer. This type of pheromone has quite a strong and sharp smell in high concentrations, so wearing a decent cover fragrance over androstenone applications is necessary.

Androstenol, or A-Nol, has two types, the alpha and beta androstenol. The alpha and beta androstenol produce different results. The alpha androstenol makes the wearer seem more approachable, friendly, and less intimidating by creating an aura of youth and fitness. Like androstenone, alpha androstenol is not a "macho" pheromone. In the other hand, beta androstenol is good for inducing conversations, but it is less popular than alpha-androstenol, possibly because of its limited availability.

Androsterone, or A-Rone, bring about an aura of protection and reliableness which is usually associated with peaceful alpha males. This type of pheromone makes the wearer appear more masculine. Androsterone can also enhance the effect of other pheromones in a pheromone mix.

Androstadienone, or A1 pheromone is probably the most popular pheromone within the pheromones community. This so-called "love pheromone" can increase closeness and caring feelings.

can be topically applied and combined. Pheromone fragrances sold on the Internet can help people be more attractive to members of the opposite sex and be more respected by members of the same sex at the same time.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Is It Safe To Mix Pheromone Products?

Many pheromone users experiment mixing two pheromone products, then fail, then go back to using standalone products. Here, you can discover some basics facts about pheromone mixing. Naturally, it is much easier to produce a pheromone mix if you know what you are mixing. The only way to determine this is to use every pheromone product on its own first and see what reactions that pheromone product - cologne, perfume or oil - gives in specific situations.

You must know that some pheromone products are oil-based and some are alcohol-based when it comes to pheromone mixing. For example The Edge and New Pheromone Additive use alcohol base while Primal Instinct and Scent of Eros use oil. If you use an atomizer and even if you shake your atomizer there is a possibility that the products won't mix well. You'll need a calibrated glass dropper to be able to mix different pheromone products. It's not costly, and it is available at the nearest pharmacy. Some pheromone products are kept in a roll-on bottle, others sometimes even in an open mouth bottle; however, some products have an integrated dropper that you can use.

The basic idea concerning pheromone mixes is that by adding the products together, you can maximize their effectiveness. If you have a pheromone mix that simply does not work, don't put more stuff into it - it is unlikely that this will make it work. Most pheromone mixes are very simple and made of two products only. The popular mixes include Scent of Eros (contains androstenol) plus NPA (contains androstenone), or Androstenone Pheromone Concentrate (APC) plus New Pheromone Additive.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

How To Find The Best Pheromone Cologne

By now, you are familiar with what human pheromones are, their role in our daily activities and how they can influence the attraction factor in each of us. It is hard to tell what the best pheromones on the market today are; however, there is a safe method of shopping for the best pheromones product, a method which will at least give you every opportunity of finding a product you will be satisfied with.

Shopping for the best pheromone product is basically similar to shopping for anything else and here are some tips:

Go online and browse through the various websites marketing human pheromone products.

You should center your attention to the "about us" or "company history" sections.

Concentrate on those companies who produce their own pheromone products, these are the products you want to consider buying.

It's pretty simple but the logic lies in the fact that companies who produce their own pheromone products usually plan to be in business for a long time. They usually spend a lot of money in research to continually improve their products and are passionate about what they're doing. In other words, these companies are not likely to be fly-by-nighters, here today, gone tomorrow.

Whether pheromone products does actually work will continue to be debated for a long time. Wearing pheromone enhanced cologne or perfume may promote an air of confidence which emanates to other people. That's another subject but for now, stick with companies who plan to be around for many years and you will give yourself the best opportunity of finding the best pheromone product.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Does Using Pheromone Colognes Or Perfumes Give You An Advantage In Social Occasions?

Using pheromone colognes or perfumes can give you an advantage in social occasions. These are some basic tips and guidelines for applying and using pheromone fragrances.

First of all, be certain to carefully read and follow any special application instructions that come with the pheromone product you use. There are many different types of pheromone products you can purchase.

Apply the human pheromone perfume or cologne to the pulse point areas of the body. Pulse points or hot spots are areas of the human body that produces greater body heat. These include the wrists, base of the neck at the throat, center of the chest, inner portion of the elbow, the hair and scalp, and behind the ears. Women can also apply pheromone fragrances to thighs, ankles and the backs of the knees.

Also, try applying the pheromone fragrances to your clothing instead of your skin. Pheromones applied to the skin can evaporate very quickly due to your body heat. Furthermore, pheromones applied to the skin can be washed away by sweat and destroyed by bacteria. Some androstenone-based pheromone fragrances, can only be applied on clothing, never on the skin.

Always use the right amount of pheromones to achieve the results you desire and beware of the "body odor" effect. Androstenone-based products have an odor which many women perceive as invasive. Many males can't detect this smell at all; however, most women can smell it very well.

Try to avoid pheromone build-up. This happens when your skin absorbs so much pheromones from your applications over a period of time - that you notice a significant drop in pheromone effectiveness. To prevent this, apply products to your clothing, or, if you are applying pheromones directly to the skin, wash the application points on your body very well.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

What Are Pheromones?

Pheromones are naturally occurring chemicals which can be found in animals and humans that elicit sexual behaviors and are used to attract the opposite sex. These pheromones have been well documented to trigger very powerful sexual responses! There are many types of human pheromone but there are only 3 specific types of human pheromones which are classified as sexual human pheromones. These sexual human pheromones are the Androstenone, Alpha-Androstenol and Androstadienone. These sexual human pheromones have been utilized in the manufacture of various brands of human pheromone colognes.

Fragrances are detected by the Olfactory Glands in the nose while Pheromones are detected by the Vomeronasal Organ or VNO. The VNO is located in the Nasal Pit which is directly under the nose. When the VNO receives a pheromone signal, it sends a message to the brain that stimulates the body, it would then create a subconscious increase in sexual desire.

Naturally occurring pheromones in humans are killed each morning as we wash, use deodorants, mouthwash and the like. As a result, pheromones in humans have been identified and isolated. Scientists have succeeded in identifying, isolating, and recreating this human sex pheromone and are available as commercial products in the market. The key to making the pheromone most effective is to place product under your nose first, then behind your ears.

Always use the right amount of pheromones to achieve the results you desire and beware of the "body odor" effect. Androstenone-based products have an odor which many women perceive as invasive. Be reminded that many males can't detect this smell at all; however, most women can smell it very well. You can buy Pheromone fragrance and cologne online.