Sunday, October 7, 2007

Is It Safe To Mix Pheromone Products?

Many pheromone users experiment mixing two pheromone products, then fail, then go back to using standalone products. Here, you can discover some basics facts about pheromone mixing. Naturally, it is much easier to produce a pheromone mix if you know what you are mixing. The only way to determine this is to use every pheromone product on its own first and see what reactions that pheromone product - cologne, perfume or oil - gives in specific situations.

You must know that some pheromone products are oil-based and some are alcohol-based when it comes to pheromone mixing. For example The Edge and New Pheromone Additive use alcohol base while Primal Instinct and Scent of Eros use oil. If you use an atomizer and even if you shake your atomizer there is a possibility that the products won't mix well. You'll need a calibrated glass dropper to be able to mix different pheromone products. It's not costly, and it is available at the nearest pharmacy. Some pheromone products are kept in a roll-on bottle, others sometimes even in an open mouth bottle; however, some products have an integrated dropper that you can use.

The basic idea concerning pheromone mixes is that by adding the products together, you can maximize their effectiveness. If you have a pheromone mix that simply does not work, don't put more stuff into it - it is unlikely that this will make it work. Most pheromone mixes are very simple and made of two products only. The popular mixes include Scent of Eros (contains androstenol) plus NPA (contains androstenone), or Androstenone Pheromone Concentrate (APC) plus New Pheromone Additive.

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